We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of Clayton’s new brand for products and services offered to communities across the state of Colorado and nationally, called Elevate! This includes best practice and mindfulness coaching and in-person and virtual training for early childhood educators on topics such as best practices, playground safety, high-quality classrooms, dual language learners, data utilization, child assessment administration, infant/toddler mental health, and much more! In addition to coaching and training, Elevate offers business practice services for center directors and family home providers, classroom observation services using reliable and valid measures, and Environment Rating Scale certification. Our Elevate team is centered around excellence, innovation, and relevance to ensure we are offering high-quality products and services that are current to our field.
Clayton has started the soft launch of the Elevate brand and the official launch will occur at the start of the new fiscal year, July 2023. We had our first successful booth event sharing more about this brand and our products and services at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference (RMECC) this past March. In addition to communicating our brand to our current clients, we will also be updating our website in June 2023 to include a new section dedicated to Elevate where all of Clayton’s products and services will be in one central location. Also, in June, we will post our training calendar for the entire fiscal year on our website and be sharing more about Clayton Training accessible on the Professional Development and Information System (PDIS).
In planning this launch, we developed a Go-To-Market Strategy to introduce existing and new trainings and services for the next fiscal year and will be out in the community sharing Elevate at local and national early childhood conferences.
We are also excited to launch our first-ever Elevate event in August, Elevate Camp for Educators. This 3-day event will provide an incredible opportunity for early childhood educators, who serve children 0-5 years, to expand their skills and knowledge on topics such as quality classroom practices, using classroom data, and mindfulness. In addition to learning, there will be many fun ways for educators to connect with each other as well! We are so grateful for our partners at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science who will be hosting us for one of the 3 days. To learn more about this event, visit our website.
We have an exciting year ahead for advancing our field and elevating educators!